Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bullet-Proof Coffee

Some proponents recommend using Bullet-proof coffee as a breakfast replacement and I totally disagree. Rather, be sure to have your bullet-proof coffee with a healthful breakfast. If you are going to drink coffee, this recipe is a great way to add healthful fats and avoid the dangerous sweeteners and other chemicals that are typically in a yummy "creamer"

6-12 ounces hot, fresh-brewed, organic coffee
1 tablespoon grass-fed butter
1 teaspoon organic coconut oil
Stevia (vanilla stevia drops are my personal favorite)

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend on high for 30 seconds. Hold the lid in place as you start the blender, and consider gradually building the speed you are running to high. Hot liquid flying all over you from the blender is not an experience you want to have.

Pour into a cup and enjoy! The butter will create a foam on the top that will taste and feel like a latte!

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